Punasha is a drama film directed by Souvik Mitra. Soumitra Chatterjee And Rupa Ganguly are in lead roles in this film. After watching it you decide, whether it is a love story or not. The film Punasha tells the story of a retired professor who comes to live in kolkotta. From there a new chapter in her life begins. It provides much suspense and anxiety. She meet a long lost friend of her who had had a strong relation once and had promised to spend 24 hours together like a couple someday. The question of full filling promises thus become the central plot in this film. It is a praiseworthy attempt by Souvik Mitra. Love and its varied emotionscape have been drawn out quite rhythmically through the music, cinematography and mis-en-scene. Being an actor Rupa Ganguly herself carry the film on her shoulders. But at the same time the main drawback of the film is that it lags behind the scenes. It sometimes tiresome for the viewers and feels stupid by their words. Some editing Gliches are also quite evident through. But in spite of them all It a good film and give a different experience for those who are hurt in love and unfulfilled promises.