paramashiva is a Kannada family/drama film directed by Mahesh Babu. The producer of the film is Anjali Nagaraj. The main stars in this film are Ravichandran, Saranya Mohan, Vijay Raghavendra and Sakshi shivanand. Ravichadran plays a dual role in this film. This is a remake of the Tamil blockbuster film Samudram directed by K S Ravikumar starred by super star Sarath Kumar The film tells the story of a family in which three brothers love their sister more than anything. Ravichandran is the head of the family and his two brothers loves and respects him as their god. More over these three considers their sister as everything and are ready to give their lives for the cause of their sister. . Once the three brothers had to misbehave towards a rich man’ son in the near by village and the rich man felt insulted. The trouble in the family starts from there onwards. For the shame occured the rich man is planning to take revenge on them. For that he made their sister married to his son by some foul plays and missed no chamce got to insult them. He treated the girl in a manner which were unbearable to the three brothers. By threatening for her sister the man made them to do many unexpected things. But still then they dind’t forsake their sister and stood for her welfare.Will they succeed or not in their attempt to convince and reunite the family is the core of the film. This is surely a family oriented story. Casting Ravichandran for this role was a right decision on the ground that he is having an image to adept at it. The supporting actors also had done justice to their roles. The comedy in the film gives some relief to the viewers and are classic in touch. But the film failed to catch the attention of the youths and the repetition and similarity with other films make a hidrance acted as a wall which dragged its success.